Site officiel de WinParrot
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WinParrot est un logiciel
GRATUIT qui peut enregistrer et controler toutes applications sous Windows.
Ce logiciel certifié sur Windows XP, Vista et 7 a cinq fonctions:

      Automatiser vos tâches récurrentes
      Saisir vos données dans vos applications (Internet Explorer,Oracle Applications, SAP...)
      à partir des données d'une feuille Excel
      Tester la robustesse d'une application en simulant plusieurs utilisateurs
      Réaliser des démonstrations/formations d'une application (en ralentissant la lecture)
      Planifier des tâches (programmer l'execution de macros).

Winparrot est reconnu pour les qualités suivantes:

WinParrot ne nécéssite aucune installation et aucun droit d'administration.
Vous lancez l'enregistrement de vos tâches ou de vos saisies, WinParrot peut les rejouer immédiatement sans aucune programmation

Grâce au langage extrêmement simple de WinParrot (très proche à celui d'Excel) vous pouvez insérer des points de contrôles visuels, des boucles, des conditions ou des données issues de feuilles Excel.
Vous pouvez controler la tolérance de reconnaissance d'images, de formes ou de textes, la vitesse de frappe ou de déplacement de la souris....

WinParrot est optimisé afin de consommer le moins possible de mémoire ou de CPU afin de ne pas ralentir votre ordinateur.

WinParrot vérifie sa signature, si un virus tente une intrusion ou s'il est corrompu il vous le signalera.
Dès qu'un bug est identifié sur WinParrot celui-ci est corrigé en quelques jours.
N'hésitez pas à nous solliciter pour plus d'information:
Télécharger WinParrot 2.1.3
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20 Derniers articles parus (Vous pouvez nous informer si vous publiez aussi un article à
United States
"The program's instructions are simple and clear: press the Record button, record your process, and press End when you're done. There's no need to schedule the program to play back your macro: Simply press Play. The Help file offers a huge range of commands and many screenshots to help users customize WinParrot."
United States
"WinParrot does far more than most free macro recorders to help you resolve problems, though. It clearly displays your sequence of steps after recording, for instance. A Debug mode helps you better understand how your macro works."
"WinParrot to rozbudowany i calkowicie darmowy program, majacy na celu automatyzacje najczesciej wykonywanych na komputerze operacji. Pozwala ono skutecznie rejestrowac ruchy myszka, klikniecia, a takze czynnosci wykonywane za posrednictwem klawiatury i samoczynne ich powtarzanie w dowolnym momencie..."
"WinParrot é uma aplicação muito interessante, que não precisa ser instalada para utilização. Ele pode ser definido como um aplicativo autônomo, podendo ser baixado a partir do portal WinParrot, e utilizar as suas funcionalidades pode ser muito simples..."
United States
"You could run a screen grab tool to capture an image, then do something with the resulting file. Or you might use WinParrot to set up a software demo, such as entering figures into a spreadsheet, and producing a graph with the results..."
"The application is very complete. It would be difficult to explain everything in a few lines. Be aware that well used, it can save you much time.".
United States
"WinParrot is a handy program for Windows users who want to automate tasks on their operating system...
New users should take a look at the excellent online help to get accustomed to the application."
United States
"WinParrot is an application which allows you to record your recurring tasks and to execute them anytime in the same manner in a single click.".
"Uma fantástica solução, simples e intuitiva, que nos ajudará a automatizar o nosso trabalho diário e recorrente."
"A fantastic solution, simple and intuitive, which will help us automate our daily work."
"WinParrot is a great program that observes user behavior on your computer and repeats the most common operations."
"WinParrot es una herramienta simple que fue diseñada para ayudarte a automatizar los trabajos diarios recurrentes en tu windows..."
"WinParrot possiede un'affascinante interfaccia grafica che rende il programma di semplice comprensione e, quindi, utilizzo. La stessa risulta essere pertanto adatta sia agli utenti che si approcciano per la prima volta nella loro vita a sfruttare questo tipo di funzioni, sia ai veterani di questo bellissimo settore..."
Czech Republic
"WinParrot simply loads each movement of your mouse and keyboard, so you can automate virtually any action. ..."
Great Britain
"The program makes it unusually easy to get started. It’s a tiny 654KB download; there’s no installation required, just unzip and run; and recording your macro is as simple as, well, clicking Record (and pressing the End key when you’re done)..."
Russian Federation
"WinParrot - it is a useful utility that can be used by owners of Windows-based systems to automate a variety of repetitive actions. The proposed smart tool designed for accurate recording and playback keystrokes and mouse manipulation..."
"Vi piacerebbe avere un pc a comando che fa tutto ciò che desiderate? Con WinParrot, il pappagallo per Windows, è possibile registrare tutte le operazioni al pc che facciamo più spesso e successivamente possiamo eseguire tali operazioni richiamandole tramite nome..."
United States
"A portable and small but very powerfull. As it is all about replicating actions and so the possibilities are endless. WinParrot with many options and tasks to run from make it a great utility...."
"Remarkably WinParrot can be used to extend the macro (a command to record user activity) in the presence of looping, conditional testing, variables and mathematical functions. WinParrot is one useful debugging tool to test everything and can run automatically...."
United States
"Do you want to make a duplicate log of all the things and tasks that you do on your PC? If yes, than WinParrot is definitely the perfect software for you...."
United States
"...Put it all together and WinParrot really is an excellent tool, which scores in every area: it’s compact, portable, has no adware hassles, doesn’t require admin rights, is easy enough for beginners to use, yet also has a wealth of powerful options which experts will love. We’ve no idea why it’s also free..."